Halloween Pocket Sniper 3D

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About Halloween Pocket Sniper 3D

Play Pocket Sniper and take down zombies, using only a sniper rifle in your pocket. This game is available for all ages and is filled with action packed thrills. Learn 3d shooting techniques, use your reflexes to eliminate the zombie threat and test your skills with challenging levels. Challenge yourself in this intense game that will keep you on the edge of your

When it comes to the halloween, our pocket is usually the best place to store all of our spooky snacks and games. What better way to avoid that than by playing a game while we're on break? With this tricky 3D shooter, you can easily trick your friends into picking up your snack when they see you're focused on your game. They'll get a good laugh out of you when they "accidentally" pick up your candy when you start sniping zombies with your sniper rifle! Make this halloween one to remember with this pocket sniper 3d,game,challenge, shooting, zombies, action, shooting, sniper

The 3D game, Pocket Sniper 3D, is a great way to challenge your shooting skills. As the name implies, this game will have you practicing and mastering your aim with its easy-to-use controls. You can choose to play as either a male or female character; and you are able to upgrade your character in various ways as well. This game lets you take on zombies that come at you from all sides. If you feel like challenging yourself or want something new and exciting, then this is the perfect game for you. Pocket Sniper 3D is a free app that offers fun, action-packed entertainment for iPhone and iPad users. The game is available for free on the App

Infomation Games

Publish2022-01-17 01:38:00
Controls Guide

Using Mouse

Move Left: Arrow Left

Move Right: Arrow Right

Move Forward: Arrow Up

Move Back: Arrow Down

Spacebar to jump
